Vereshchuk demands lists of abducted children from the Russian Ombudsman

19 March 2023, 00:14 | Policy
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The Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Iryna Vereshchuk, publicly appealed to the Russian Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkova and the Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova with a demand to hand over the lists of Ukrainian children who were forcibly deported to the territory of the Russian Federation. Vereshchuk wrote about this on her Facebook..

" 02. 2022 were citizens of Ukraine, up to 18 years old inclusive; 2) are now in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine; 3) were taken out of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the Russian territory. I propose to send the lists to the e-mail address: info@minre. gov.


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Recall, on March 17, the International Criminal Court issued international warrants for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Commissioner for Children's Rights of the aggressor state Maria Lvova-Belova. Both are accused of deporting Ukrainian children and illegally taking them out of the temporarily occupied territories of our state to Russia "

According to President Zelensky, more than 16 thousand cases of deportation of children were recorded, and only 300 people were returned to Ukraine.

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