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News for: 10 june 2023 in category:  

Scientists have named parts of the body that can not be touched by hands

American scientists told which parts of the body should not be touched by hands. According to the researchers, it is the hands that are the main transmitter of microbes, according to the online edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka...
Health 10 June 2023, 23:03 (

Scientists have learned to determine the recurrence of cancer, based on a urine test Scientists have learned to determine the recurrence of cancer, based on a urine test
French specialists have developed a technique that allows you to identify the course of the relapse process in people with oncology by extensive ...
Health 10 June 2023, 21:49 (
What diseases can tell the condition of your nose What diseases can tell the condition of your nose
The condition of the nose can be a useful indicator of various diseases..
Health 10 June 2023, 20:09 (
5 rules for a long and happy life from the oldest practitioner in the world 5 rules for a long and happy life from the oldest practitioner in the world
The real secret of longevity lies in simple things... American neurologist Dr. Howard Tucker, at the age of one hundred, continues to practice me...
Health 10 June 2023, 19:31 (
How to choose the right pacifier for a baby How to choose the right pacifier for a baby
On this day, no one can give a clear opinion on nutrition: a small empty empty room is needed. Babies, as the breasts are not needed anymore, so ...
Health 10 June 2023, 19:21 (
Products that make us happy Products that make us happy
These are natural antidepressants that stimulate the production of happiness hormones in the human body.. You think you can't find happiness in a...
Health 10 June 2023, 17:21 (
Lightening the legs: tips Lightening the legs: tips
According to statistics, one in four suffers from chronic venous insufficiency.. The real incidence of venous vessels significantly exceeds the ...
Health 10 June 2023, 16:31 (
The drug is broken, in some cases you can be re-infected with coronavirus The drug is broken, in some cases you can be re-infected with coronavirus
The coronavirus is known to the body of a human being, as it has already fallen ill to a new one, and the incidence of re-infection can only be a...
Health 10 June 2023, 15:48 (
Children s fashion: trends in children s clothing Children's fashion: trends in children's clothing
Modern designers understand that children's clothing should be comfortable, practical and fashionable.. The creators pay special attention to the...
Health 10 June 2023, 15:20 (
Can children eat tsukerki Can children eat tsukerki
Try for relish childish sumishi and preserves, adapted for children. The stench is not licorice, more than that, at the thought of grown-ups, do ...
Health 10 June 2023, 14:52 (
Water will help you lose weight Water will help you lose weight
Follow the advice of experts on nutrition and weight management - and lose weight! Spice up drinks by adding citrus fruits or berries. Water is n...
Health 10 June 2023, 12:52 (
Named effective way to cope with insomnia Named effective way to cope with insomnia
Neurologists from Northwestern University (USA) have found that people striving to achieve some important goal in life are less likely to suffer ...
Health 10 June 2023, 12:36 (
Experts have proven that organic vegetables are healthier than conventional ones Experts have proven that organic vegetables are healthier than conventional ones
Organic vegetables are actually healthier than regular vegetables, Irish scientists at the Teagasc Nutrition Research Center say.. This is becau...
Health 10 June 2023, 11:35 (
Walking in the fresh air helps to normalize blood pressure Walking in the fresh air helps to normalize blood pressure
Scientists have named the reasons why you should get out more often to relax in nature. Experts are sure that even a short walk can improve the c...
Health 10 June 2023, 10:48 (
5 ways to save yourself from a headache 5 ways to save yourself from a headache
Take note! • The easiest way is to do nothing, but just lie down, close your eyes and relax in complete silence, wait 10-15 minutes. If this is n...
Health 10 June 2023, 10:26 (
Doctor Zakharova recommends a sleeping position that will get rid of acid reflux Doctor Zakharova recommends a sleeping position that will get rid of acid reflux
Zero gravity sleeping position can improve circulation and relieve acid reflux symptoms.
Health 10 June 2023, 09:46 (
Myasnikov doctor: pressure of 120 over 80 is no longer considered the norm Myasnikov doctor: pressure of 120 over 80 is no longer considered the norm
Cardiologist Alexander Myasnikov: blood pressure of 120 over 80 is considered prehypertension today.
Health 10 June 2023, 00:30 (
Nutritionist Strokov explained why we need vitamin K Nutritionist Strokov explained why we need vitamin K
Vitamin K is very important for humans. It has two forms: K1 and K2.
Health 10 June 2023, 00:26 (