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News for: 11 december 2023 in category:  

Farbuvannya hair: transfer and revelation of myths

To better understand the process of hair preparation, it is important to consider the main aspects and knowledge that help to determine the truthfulness and falsehood of various statements.
Health 11 December 2023, 15:45 (

Vaginism without toxicosis: secrets of a comfortable period Vaginism without toxicosis: secrets of a comfortable period
Preparing maternity leave is sometimes subject to numerous trials, especially in the first trimester - an hour when a woman is going through a di...
Health 11 December 2023, 14:54 (
Section analyzers: their meanings and how to reverse them Section analyzers: their meanings and how to reverse them
Section analyzers are an important tool for diagnosing various illnesses and monitoring a person’s health.
Health 11 December 2023, 11:38 (