News for: 6 september 2017 in category: All news Ukraine - Kiev - Developments - Policy Russia Peace Business - Economy - real estate - Finance and Banking - Markets Artistic and Culture - Cinema - Music - Poster - Art - Show Business - mode - Developments - gossip - Scandals Sports - Football - boxing - Basketball - tennis - Formula 1 - Hockey - Chess - other Policy PE - crime - Incidents - Holocaust Science and Health - Technologies - Science - Health - Cars The Company Photo Report Culture
In the current epidemic season of the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections, doctors expect the circulation of three strains of influenza. The Company 06 September 2017, 22:58 (УРА-Информ)
В переводе с древнееврейского - божественный воин. В Библии Гавриил - ангел, который, согласно Святому благовествованию от Луки, сообщил священнику Захарию... Читать дальше