International favor for artificial intelligence: the USA, the EU and other countries have signed the Framework Convention

10 September 2024, 12:00 | Peace
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The USA, the European Union and several other countries, including Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Norway, Moldova, San Marino, the UK and Israel, have signed the Framework Convention on Human Intelligence. This important international treaty was presented during the conference of justice ministers for the sake of Europe in Vilnius.

The Framework Convention for the Sake of Europe is the first legally binding document that regulates the development of artificial intelligence systems. Our goal is to ensure that the development and advancement of technology meets the standards of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

Once released for the sake of Europe, the convention will provide a legal basis that covers all stages of the life cycle of the world's largest systems. Vaughn welcomes progress and innovation in Galusia, now managing the risks that may arise in connection with the advancement of new technologies. The document is divided in such a way as to be technologically neutral, which allows it to be relevant in the future.

Secretary General of the European Union, Maria Pejcinovic-Buric, stressed that the convention aims to ensure that the development of human intelligence meets international standards, and does not violate them. She also noted that the convention is the result of a transparent and inclusive process that draws on a variety of rich outside and expert perspectives.

" I hope that the first crumb will be lost and that a lot of edge will come before. We are looking forward to the rapid ratification process so that the treaty can gain the most clarity possible,” added Pejcinovic-Burich.

The Framework Convention was praised by the Committee of Ministers for the sake of Europe on May 17, 2024. The document will be in force on the first day of the month, which is after the end of the three-month period after it has been ratified by five countries, including at least three member states for the sake of Europe. Countries around the world may be able to adhere to the convention and strive to comply with its provisions.

e-news. com. ua.

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