Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico, having recovered from the wounds of the shooter

16 May 2024, 01:20 | Peace
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Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico recovered from the wounds from the shooting and was subsequently taken to the hospital.

Apnews reports about it. The incident took place near the town of Gandlova, where a meeting of the Slovaccini order was held in the town’s cultural booth.

“The suspect has been covered up,” means the video.

For information Dennik N, a reporter who was close to the scene of the incident, without knowing the incident itself, rather than sensing a few shots. After this, the security guards lifted the Prime Minister from the ground, carried him into the car and drove him away.

The reports that were at the scene indicate that Fico came out into the street before the people, after which they fired shots, and then fell to the ground.

The police caught up with the suspected attacker and cleared out the territory. The cultural center was evacuated, and the security ensured the safety of other members of the order.

Slovakian President Zuzana Caputova sharply condemned the attack on the prime minister. " I'm in shock.

I hope Roberta Fico has plenty of strength at this critical moment to recover after the attack,” she wrote on Facebook.

A notice has been published on the Facebook page of the head of the city that the coming years will be significant for the prime minister.

This incident had a wide resonance in Slovakia and beyond. The abundance of political figures and the large scale of the population result in support for Robert Fico and his homeland, calling for a vigorous investigation into the circumstances of the attack.

e-news. com. ua.

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