The US Senate approved the $60 billion vision for Ukraine: what does the aid package convey?

14 February 2024, 13:47 | Peace
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The upper house of the US Congress voted for an aid package that would provide new funding for Ukraine amounting to over $60 billion. People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced this on his Twitter.

" Already 60, with 50 needed. It is important for us that there be more, as this is an additional argument for the House of Representatives. Especially in the context of how many Republicans will vote. In general, respect that the de facto Senate has already praised the aid package for Ukraine. Why do I live for everything,” he wrote.

A year ago, a people's deputy said that, in his opinion, what Ukraine was doing was losing its permanent assets, and $60 billion would be distributed in the following manner:.

$19.85 billion for US military equipment and equipment, which Ukraine receives from Pentagon reserves;

$13.8 billion for the purchase of manufactured equipment and ammunition from the US defense industry base;


8 billion for the continuation of the Ukrainian military, exchange of intelligence and other support activities;

$7.85 billion for direct budgetary support to Ukraine;

$1.58 billion to support the development of the Ukrainian economy in priority sectors.

“It’s really good that at least half of the Republicans came to vote. This is a strong argument. Then the House of Representatives, then the signature of the President and only after this initiative will become law,” adding Zheleznyak.

e-news. com. ua.

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