Finland warns of a possible disintegration of the OSCE as early as 2024

29 May 2023, 08:33 | Peace
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Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto believes that the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) may cease to exist even before 2025. He stated this when commenting on the crisis with the approval of the Estonian presidency in 2024 by Russia and Belarus, Yle reports..

“If there is no chairman in 2024 and there is no consensus on this issue, then next year will be the year of the destruction of the OSCE as an organization,” Haavisto said..

He worries that the organization will collapse before Finland has to chair it in 2025.

According to the rules of the organization, the rotation of the presiding country must be approved by all 57 member states. However, Russia and Belarus have not approved the candidacy of Estonia for the presidency in 2024, and Estonia is not ready to give up its seat.

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Recall that in March, the OSCE (45 member states) supported the investigation into the abduction of Ukrainian children by the occupiers under the “Moscow Mechanism”, which allows the deployment of a short-term international fact-finding mission to address a specific human rights problem in the OSCE region.

Already in May, the OSCE provided a report in which they recorded the movement of a large number of Ukrainian children to Russia..

The team of experts found that abducted Ukrainian children are subject to pro-Russian information campaigns, often amounting to targeted re-education.

Earlier, US Permanent Representative to the OSCE Michael Carpenter said that “the Kremlin probably feels that the situation is changing as it lies even more absurdly to its own population.. If you believe the Russian state media, you would think that Russian missiles destroyed several dozen Patriot complexes in Ukraine..

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