Moldova withdraws from the Commonwealth of Independent States

17 May 2023, 00:54 | Peace
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The Republic of Moldova has started the procedure for secession from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - a political, economic and military organization created at the initiative of the Russian Federation since the early 1990s.

The head of the unicameral parliament of Moldova, Igor Grosu, instructed lawyers to prepare documents aimed at Chisinau's withdrawal from the CIS membership agreement. He added that this decision was preceded by consultations with politicians at the highest state level and with the people. He added that the public consultations were accompanied by talks with deputies from the ruling Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) and with the President of the country, Maia Sandu..

" It's more like a club that reminds us that the Soviet Union once existed,"

" Moldova rejects this, although measurable things are more important, that is, reducing energy dependence,"

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Moldovans have not always been anti-Russian. Studies show that trust in Vladimir Putin in 2014-2021 was at the level of 50-65 percent, and now it has dropped to 35-38 percent since the beginning of the year.. - In many ways, this is the result of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the fact that the Moldovans were afraid of this war and the aggressive policy of Russia, - says Eberhardt. - I think that the deterioration of Russian indicators is also a consequence of the decision to limit the broadcasting of Russian television in Moldova.

For many years, this was actually the main television that Moldovans watched, and this increased the influence of Russian propaganda, says Dr. Adam Eberhardt..

Grosu stated that Moldova's membership in the CIS, to which it has belonged since 1994, no longer protects the country from the economic embargo and hostile Russian actions " In turn, Chisinau recently stated that it received intelligence data indicating that the Kremlin wanted to carry out a coup d'etat and a military operation, including capturing an airport in the capital of Moldova..

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