German court allowed Ukrainian flags at memorials on May 8 and 9

06 May 2023, 08:09 | Peace
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The administrative court of Berlin lifted the ban on placing Ukrainian flags on Soviet memorials in Treptow, Tiergarten and Schoenholzer Gaide, the Vitsche organization of young Ukrainians in Germany said..

Earlier, the Berlin police banned Russian and Ukrainian flags, as well as bands near Soviet memorials on May 8 and 9 during the memorial day of the 78th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe.. A similar ban was in effect at the May events in Berlin last year as well..

The lifting of the ban applies only to Ukrainian flags and orchestras, Russians remain under the ban.

The court ruled that the restraining order was unlawful.. The decision states that no evidence was provided that the blue and yellow flags would pose a threat to public safety..

“The administrative court confirmed our legal position: the ban on Ukrainian flags is obviously illegal.

Anyone who uses his fundamental right to publicly identify himself as a representative of the Ukrainian nation and recognize his historical victims in the defeat of National Socialism is not a threat to public security, ”rbb quotes the representative of the public organization Patrick Heinemann..

The Berlin police can challenge the decision of the administrative court in the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Oleksiy Makeev, commenting on the ban on the demonstration of Ukrainian flags at monuments on May 8 and 9, called for it to be canceled.

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