Borrell: the EU is not yet ready to accept a new package of sanctions against the Russian Federation

25 April 2023, 19:19 | Peace
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The Supreme Representative of the European Union from Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, before the meetings of the goals of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ukrainian bloc, stating that today the new package of EU sanctions against the Russian Federation is not recognized, write to UNN.

Quote " We will continue the discussion,"

Details For the sake of the press service for the sake of the EU, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian bloc will hold an exchange of thoughts on Russian aggression against Ukraine this year after a short speech at the regime of the videoconference of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kulebi.

Todi Rada ЄС to discuss a plan for the European Union for the geopolitical consequences of the Russian foreign war, as well as other food.

Earlier, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the new package of EU sanctions against the Russian Federation would be directing to close the loopholes, as if they were victorious to circumvent the already imposed sanctions.

For the ZMI tribute, the 11th package of EU sanctions against Russia will be mainly focused on closing loopholes to bypass the already introduced border crossings, and new names of that company will also appear in the new one, but without "

ЄС successively zaprovadzhuє interzhuvalny zahodo rf from birch 2014 to the fate of the illegal annexation of the Crimea, the aggressive war of Russia against Ukraine, the illegal annexation of the territory of Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizkoy and Kherson regions of Ukraine.

ЄС ввів 10 packages of sanctions against the invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine.

Come in and call on weaken the economic base of Russia, allowing for the most important technologies and markets, and significantly encircling the building to wage war.

Julia Shramko Dzherelo: UNN.

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