Poland plans to give up Russian oil by the end of the year - PM

30 March 2022, 16:22 | Peace
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Poland plans to completely abandon Russian coal in April-May 2022, and oil from the Russian Federation by the end of the year. This was stated during a press conference by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki..

“Despite the fact that there is no consent from the European Commission, we have adopted the relevant bill and are sending it to Parliament. I hope that in April, at the latest in May, the country will completely abandon coal,” he said..

He also added that the government "

Morawiecki says Moscow is using energy blackmail.

“Today this tool of blackmail has become an instrument of war. We call on everyone in Europe to follow our example,” he added..

The Prime Minister noted that when Poland was implementing its plan to abandon gas and oil, Germany became more and more dependent on the Russian Federation..

“We are demonstrating a plan for de-Russification in gas supplies,” Morawiecki also added..

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World sanctions and recent statements by the head of the Kremlin force Europe to look for an alternative to Russian fuel. The French government is already looking for the best course of action.

Germany is drastically reducing its dependence on Russian energy as it sees it as a path to energy security and a way to " in the event of a cessation of gas supplies from Russia.

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