Kadyrov enjoys $7 million villa in Dubai - media

30 March 2022, 16:18 | Peace
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Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov enjoys a villa worth at least $7 million in Dubai, UP investigation says.

It is noted that Kadyrov in 2021-2022 could visit the United Arab Emirates 14 times in his private Airbus A319 aircraft worth about $80 million..

Villa Kadyrov is located on the territory of the five-star hotel Zabeel Saray Royal Residences at Palm Jumeirah. Villa number 21 - one of the two largest, has a convenient secluded location. Kadyrov constantly receives guests there.

Sources of the publication, after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, visited the territory of the hotel and took photos of Kadyrov's villa.

In a smaller villa, which is located nearby, according to "

Turko Daudov, official adviser and representative of the head of Chechnya in Arab and Muslim countries, takes care of Kadyrov's villa.

[see_also ids\u003d"

Russian pro-government telegram channels write that Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov is going to Mariupol to independently lead a "

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