"Endemy of sex scandals" moved from Hollywood to the music industry

20 December 2017, 07:01 | Peace
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A group of female singers and female composers spoke out about the many cases of rape and sexual harassment in the music industry. This is reported by BBC News on Monday, December 18. "Women told us that sexual abuse and harassment in the music industry took the form of an endemic (a contagious disease that is peculiar to a particular locality or territory -. «Tapes. ru ")," the authors of the reportage. "I know girls who have been raped. And behind this are always men in power. They find the girl in the embryo of a career when she needs a lot of support, "- said the 22-year-old British singer Chloe Hole. According to Hole, at the age of 16 she was molested by a man much older than she, with whom she had to cooperate on the label: "He drove me to the hotel, and then wrote:" Why did not you invite me? "I remember how he once grabbed me for the ass and said something like: "I think we'd have had a good time in bed" ". Another representative of the music industry, wishing not to disclose her name, described how at the age of 15 she was offered a collaboration by a producer who later blackmailed her, forcing her to a relationship. "He convinced me that without him I would be no one, and that if I told anyone about this, my success would go away," she said.. The woman stressed that this lasted for two years. Music manager Yasmin Lazhoa said that she has a lot of such stories from different singers - she started to collect them because of the huge number of sex scandals, the witness of which was.

"I expected that they would tell me about harassment, but in fact I got stories about rapes occurring in studios, men who seduce girls to oral sex, men who rape women in apartments belonging to companies," she said.. In October, Hollywood celebrities started talking about harassment against the backdrop of a sex scandal around producer Harvey Weinstein. Rape and harassment was also blamed on Kevin Spacey, Charlie Sheen, Sylvester Stallone, Lars von Trier, Steven Seagal and Dustin Hoffman. More hell and strange news in the Telegram channel "Bottom of the bottom". Subscribe!.

Original article: "The Endemy of Sex Scandals" moved from Hollywood to the music industry.

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