Former Obama chef tried to appease his victims with rolls

20 December 2017, 00:52 | Peace
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Famous American chef and TV presenter Mario Batali, who participated in the organization of US President Barack Obama's dinner, tried to hush up the scandal with harassment of his co-workers with the help of recipes for cinnamon rolls. This writes the Washington Post. In early December, four employees of the chef's institutions accused him of sexual harassment. Batali was forced to step down as head of his business, and his TV show was immediately shut down. A few days later, Batali published a letter of apology. "I owe my success to you, my fans.

So if you want to have a delicious breakfast and recharge with a great mood for the whole day, I put a recipe of rolls with cinnamon, cooked with a pizza test, "he wrote. At the same time, he noted that he regrets the. However, his apologies were not accepted. "These buns are just as empty and unpleasant as his promises," one of the Internet users answered the cook. More hell and strange news in the Telegram channel "Bottom of the bottom". Subscribe!.

Original article: Former Obama chef tried to appease his victims with rolls.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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