Is Russia facing a massacre? Goltz voiced the forecast for the protest march on June 12

31 May 2017, 03:53 | Peace
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The all-Russian protest march, scheduled for June 12, is unlikely to turn into a "massacre"; It will be less massive than the all-Russian protest on March 26.

This opinion was expressed to the "Observer" by the Russian military expert, deputy editor-in-chief of the Internet edition of the "Daily Journal" Alexander Golts.

Commenting on the forecast of Russian political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky that June 12 there may be a staged "suppression of an attempted armed insurrection," Golts said: "I think this is an extreme scenario".

"I have many times refused to make any specific forecasts about the actions of the Russian authorities, since its trademark is unpredictable," he said.. And he added: "Everything that is happening now in Russia does not give grounds to say that there will be some kind of massacre that will allow the authorities to talk about the collapse of the coup".

"I see no reason for such forecasts. But I do not exclude that Mr. Piontkovsky is more far-sighted than I am, "said Golts.

Answering the question of how massive the all-Russian march of protest could be on June 12, the expert admitted: "It's hard to say. Being in Moscow, I do not have the feeling that this protest will be massive. What happened in March, had a clear ground - the exposing film Navalny.

Rather, this march will not come from some new people, but those who usually come to such events. And this is still quite a limited number of people ".

As the "Observer" wrote, Russian political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed a direct line with the Russians on June 15, three days after the all-Russian protest march, not by chance: this means that the protest will not be successful.

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