For cadets of KhPI conducted field exercises on tanks

26 December 2020, 03:45 | Policy
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Sophomore students of the Military Institute of Tank Forces of the National Technical University " Classes were held at a training complex near Kharkov.

Before practice, the cadets-tankers mastered the course of theoretical training and performed exercises in specialized classes on dynamic tank simulators, assures the news agency of the Ministry of Defense.

According to the head of the class, future officers learned to use the potential of armored vehicles in difficult weather conditions in the process of solving problems in modern combat..

So, sophomores in the role of a driver-mechanic independently worked out a number of exercises that included preparing the car for movement, starting the movement, changing gears, making turns, moving at different speeds, braking, and also a complete stop of the car.

In addition, the cadets trained to stop the tank in a certain place and, as ArmyInform writes, "

In total, during practical exercises, each military man covered a distance of three kilometers.

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