Kharkiv summed up the work of the Eastern operational-territorial association of the National Guard of Ukraine

25 December 2020, 02:58 | Policy
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What priorities in the activities of NSU units for the next year and what are the guardsmen seeing off the outgoing year - discussed in the Eastern Territorial Administration of NSU. The meeting dedicated to the results of 2020 was chaired by the head of the department, Major General Oleg Sakhon.

The event was attended by deputy heads of directorates, commanders of military units with their deputies. In the course of the work, the unit commanders reported on the implementation of the assigned tasks, announced the main plans for the near future, says the press service of the department.

“In the global, mainstream understanding of the tasks of the Eastern Territorial Association to contain Russian aggression and the participation of units in the operation of the Joint Forces, we have achieved stable, clear and necessary results.

Much has changed in the management of the daily activities of the military service, in particular, the creation of modern and optimal conditions for carrying out guard and internal service in the Slavyansky regiment, "

Determining the priorities for the next year, the head of the department noted that maintaining high combat readiness of command and control bodies and personnel of military units remains the main direction of activity..

At the end of the meeting, the head of the department presented cups and certificates for achievements in sports competitions, service and combat activities, as well as the organization of military service.

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