Lebanese embassy promises to remember "

18 December 2020, 06:08 | Policy
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The Lebanese Embassy in Ukraine expressed condolences to the Kharkiv residents and the family of the mayor Gennady Kernes.

The relevant information was posted on the website of the Kharkiv City Council.

“On behalf of the entire Lebanese diaspora in Ukraine and employees of the Embassy, \u200b\u200bwith deep sorrow, we express our condolences and words of support to the family, the city of Kharkov in connection with the death of the mayor Gennady Kernes, who was our heartfelt friend.

We will always remember his good deeds with warmth in our hearts.. Lebanese cedars, which were planted with the assistance of Gennady Kernes as a sign of strong friendship between the Lebanese diaspora and Ukrainians in the Gorky Park, will always be a fond memory of the deceased and his sincere soul. Our prayers and thoughts are with his family and residents of the city during this difficult time. We believe that his soul will rest in peace in heaven, ”the letter says..

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