The Kremlin assessed the possibility of bringing Russian troops into Belarus

19 August 2020, 22:33 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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According to him, the Collective Security Treaty between the Russian Federation and Belarus does indeed contain clauses on obligations to provide military assistance.. However, the rules apply only if countries are attacked from outside.. The current situation does not provide for the provision of military assistance by Moscow to Minsk, since this is an internal conflict of the state.

There really are obligations provided, but now there is no such need.

The Belarusian leadership itself is talking about this "

He also added that at the moment there is no point in discussing under what circumstances Russia can provide military assistance to Belarus..

“We proceed from the fact that the Belarusians themselves will solve (the situation) within the legal framework, without outside interference,” Peskov emphasized..

As previously reported, the leaders of the member states of the European Union officially refused to recognize the results of the presidential elections in Belarus in 2020.

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