Presidential Election in Poland: Official Second Round Results

13 July 2020, 12:52 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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National Election Commission reports nearly 99 percent of processed protocols.

This is written by URA-Inform with reference to the Polish media.

Voter turnout, according to the data that the NEC received in the reports of the committees that were introduced into the electronic system, is 68.12 percent.

During a morning press conference it was reported that a total of nine protocols were not sent to the system. These are foreign protocols: one from Brussels, six from London and two from Manchester. He noted that it is difficult to say when these protocols will be introduced, because the work of these district commissions is still ongoing..

The head of the NEC also emphasized that "

Earlier we reported that in polls before Sunday Tshaskovsky had a slight advantage.

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