Ukraine at the UN declared violation of children's rights in the Crimea occupied by Russia

24 June 2020, 22:46 | Policy
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Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Sergey Kislitsa at an open debate at the United Nations Security Council said that Russia violates the rights of children in annexed Crimea. It is reported by UNN with reference to the text of the report.. According to him, as of 2014 in the Crimea there were 4900 orphans and children left without parental care. “Automatic acquisition of citizenship by the Russian Federation by these children and their illegal transfer from Crimea is a violation of international law,” Kislitsa noted.

He noted that about 200 children, mainly Crimean Tatars, are currently without parental care due to the fact that their fathers were arrested for political reasons. “While their fathers are detained, transferred thousands of kilometers from their homes and subjected to brutal searches in their homes, children are traumatized by the appearance of armed men in uniform, arrests and imprisonment of their family members,” Kislica said. He also noted the militarization of education in Crimea, as children are accepted into paramilitary movements and special military classes.

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