Parubiy urged NATO to increase military presence in the Black and Azov Seas

28 November 2018, 00:21 | Policy
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Verkhovna Rada Chairman Andriy Paruby called on NATO to increase the presence of its ships and aircraft in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas.

"During a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged NATO member countries to increase the presence of their ships and aircraft in the airspace over these seas in the Black and Azov Seas," he wrote on Twitter.

According to him, "this is the only guarantee of security".

First hour of the meeting with the Secretary General of @NATO Ons Stoltenberg @ jensstoltenberg calling out the NATO-members of NATO on the Black Sea, the presence of its ships and supervising control. Tse єdina guarantee bezpeki. @UKRinNATO pic. twitter. com / ahr5U8xPlk - Andriy Parubiy (@AndriyParubiy) November 27, 2018.

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