We do not waste time on “window dressing”: the 93rd OMBR is actively training, getting ready to fight at any moment

04 October 2018, 13:36 | Policy
photo glavnoe.ua
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At the test site, the 93rd OMBR is actively training, getting ready to join the battle at any moment, the brigade’s press service reports..

Conducted individual lessons with infantry, as well as working out the interaction of mechanized units with tanks with the support of artillery.

The tactical exercises performed by the Cold Yar brigade are diverse and take into account the experience gained during more than four years of the war in the Donbas..

In particular, the mechanized divisions carried out reconnaissance of targets and destroyed them with the concentrated fire of guns of infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and artillery. Great attention was paid to mislead the enemy.

"We do not spend time on the" window dressing "or on things that are cut off from reality," says deputy commander of the 93rd brigade, Colonel Ruslan Shevchuk.. - Learning what you need in war.

We actively use drones, so that fighters get accustomed to the fact that they have “eyes” in the sky, and they act not to the touch. Again, video analysis allows you to quickly work on the bugs.. The nature of war changes every year, so tactics also do not stand still, they are constantly being improved.. Compared to the first years of the war, we became more confident, more aggressive, more dynamic.. We try to bring the actions of each fighter to automatism, and firing at targets should be as accurate and deadly as possible. ".

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