In Lithuania, began to publish documents on the crimes of the Red Army

31 August 2018, 10:01 | Policy
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The Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of the Residents of Lithuania (ZIGRJL) begins publishing documents on the crimes of the Red Army in Lithuania - murders, rapes and robberies.

The beginning of the promulgation of new documents is timed to the anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet occupation troops from Lithuania, notes delfi. lt.

On the website kgbveikla. lt begins the publication of documents of the Communist Party, the Red Army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments revealing their repressive and violent actions in Lithuania in 1944-1953.

The documents show that after the arrival of the Soviet military in Klaipeda and Silute regions, rape of women began regardless of their nationality or age.

"Seventy-year olds and 14-year-old girls were raped, even in the presence of their parents," the message reads..

The documents also describe the shooting of drunken Soviet soldiers, which resulted in the death of people, arson of estates, robbery of residents and other crimes.

The last parts of the Soviet troops left Lithuania on August 31, 1993.

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