The intensity of the bombardment has somewhat decreased - the ATU headquarters

22 December 2017, 01:24 | Policy
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The Russian-occupation troops continue to violate the cease-fire regime and carry out targeted fire at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from weapons prohibited by the Minsk accords. This is reported by the headquarters of the ATU.

At Luganskoy Priedmka, the grenade from the grenade launcher riznikh vidiv that of the great-caliber cul-de-mates straining the positions of the ATO forces near Lugansk.

On the Donetsk highway, the enemy is 120 mm wide, and the kulemetiov vos vogon in the district Novoselivki Drugoi ta Piskiv, as well as the missiles of the 82nd Kalibruta ozbroєnnya BMP laying on Priazov's defenses of Gnutovoy and Vodyanogo. In front of Avdiivki, the picket fences repeatedly zasosovuvali zenitnu installation, grenade, velikalikiberni kulemeti that stripe zboyu.

Загалом, від опівночі, російсько-терористичні війська здійснили 7 прицільних обстрілів позицій сил АТО. In chyotryoh vipadkah Ukrainians vіys'kovskomusluzhbotsi prigushuvali vognevu activity okupantіv.

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