Groysman spoke about successful communities

29 November 2017, 16:40 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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At the same time, soon those communities will be successful, in which there will be a not indifferent local authority. This statement was made by Ukrainian Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman - at the International Summit of Mayors.

According to him - in 2015.

The first decisions were made on the issue of financial decentralization and new mechanisms for community integration. We took 100 billion in absolute figures from the budget and transferred them to the local level - so that the communities received the resource - told Groisman. At the same time, the government has given an instrument - that small and inefficient communities unite and become stronger together.

As reported URA-Inform, in Ukraine already operates 413 territorial communities - previously reported in the. Groisman.

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