The leader of North Korea called the launch of the missile the completion of the creation of the "nuclear forces" of the DPRK

29 November 2017, 11:00 | Policy
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This became known from the message of the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea.

According to Kim Jong-un, the launch of the ballistic missile became a "historic achievement" of the DPRK's missile forces and a "symbol of the great victory" of the Korean people.

He also stressed that the tests of "Hwaseong-15" became a symbol of the great victory of the heroic Korean people, honestly and without hesitation supporting the party's general line, despite the challenges from the US and their henchmen.

At the same time, the statement says that "the DPRK is a responsible and peaceful nation".

As previously reported in URA-Inform, South Korea, in response to the launch of the missile of the DPRK, conducted its missile tests. Combined missile exercises of land, naval and air forces were conducted to apply point strikes against the DPRK.

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