"It is obvious". Marchuk explained why Putin's behavior can already be predicted

29 November 2017, 10:39 | Policy
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The conduct of the Russian president as a global world player is no longer a mystery - from now on it is predictable.

The ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine, the ex-head of the Security Service of Ukraine, the ex-Minister of Defense of Ukraine, the representative of Ukraine in the Tripartite Contact Group in Minsk, Army General Yevhen Marchuk announced this during the international conference on maritime security.

"When the annexation of the Crimea began, everyone was not ready. We can not be ashamed not to talk about it. After all, in order to be able to predict Russia, one must thoroughly understand its mentality - military, military-political, foreign policy, "he admitted..

At the same time, he pointed to three repetitive patterns of behavior of the Kremlin leader in the foreign policy arena over the past 15 years, which lead to obvious conclusions.

"Summer of 2002. Rome NATO Summit. Look at Putin's speech - peacemaker number one in the world. Begins cooperation with NATO. And in 2003, Russia is going on an adventure around Tuzla. I, as the then Minister of Defense, can say that we were literally in meters from the military conflict, "- said Marchuk.

After 5 years there was a similar scheme. "2007 is a famous speech by Putin in Munich, with a claim to a global vision. We remember Putin's displeasure with Russia as an outsider of world politics. And a year later, in 2008 - aggression against Georgia, "the general continued.

And, finally, he recalled the events that preceded the annexation of Crimea - the Olympic Games in Sochi. "We know which land structure was created to ensure security in Sochi. Not just to fight terrorism.

Almost the military structure ensured the annexation of the Crimea ".

"Putin and his team have long been in power. This is not a democratic device, where the government and individuals change according to democratic procedures. And we can already say today that in principle Putin as a global player can already be predicted. But to forecast taking into account what we already know about the behavior of Russia to the extent that concerns, first of all, Ukraine, "Marchuk said..

Source: Browser.

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