South Korea in response to the launch of the DPRK rocket carried out its test

29 November 2017, 09:44 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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From 3:23 to 3:44 local time, joint missile exercises of land, naval and air forces were conducted to apply point strikes against the DPRK. According to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the South Korean Armed Forces, a 300-kilometer Hennma-2 ballistic missile was launched, a 1,000-kilometer-long Heson-2 spacecraft and a Spice-2000 air-to-air missile, land "with a range of 57 kilometers.

Our military monitors North Korea's military activities 24 hours a day.

This shows our determination and ability to reflect any provocations with accuracy at any time on land, sea and in the air, "the South Korean Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, North Korea on Wednesday morning, November 29, launched an unknown ballistic missile. The rocket was launched from the province of Phenan-Namdo and flew to the east. Japanese authorities recorded that the rocket fell into the sea 210 km west of the island of Kyushu in the exclusive economic zone of Japan.

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