In the United States came into force additional sanctions against Russia

29 November 2017, 09:41 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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Such data became known from the US Treasury Department.

The Department of Control over Foreign Assets of the US Treasury published an updated instruction on the application of restrictions related to Ukraine and Russia.

"The amendments concern amendments to Directive 1 and Directive 2 related to the Russian-Ukrainian issue adopted on September 29, 2017," the US Department of State.

So, according to the changes in Directive 1 it is prohibited to carry out operations, provide financing or conduct other monetary transactions with certain terms or capital with companies under sanctions for a period of more than 14 days. Previously, this period was limited to 30 days.

In the energy sector, according to the amendments of Directive 2, the credit period is reduced from 90 to 60 days.

As previously reported in URA-Inform, by February next year in Washington at the highest level will be considered new sanctions against Russia. It is expected that large businessmen, who work with the Kremlin, close circle of President Vladimir Putin, his friends and their children.

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