The pursuit of quantity: the horrible details of the personnel policy in the APU became known

13 September 2017, 01:31 | Policy
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About this in his Facebook wrote a military man Yuri Temchenko.

According to him, an officer who threatened to drunkenly undermine the soldiers is Yuri Kushniruk.

Know: sek capitan Ruslan Kushniruk Істота, зовсім не цікава, але більш мазаного уєбана, я не зустрічав.

Now, in order:.

Rus (such a yogi posvniy) buv mobilization in 6th Hvil in 80 brigade. Becoming the commander of the newly-formed tanks and the povash of Bukhati. Bukhav, having copied the palm, did not show up on the narod commanders, did not vviv mouthful of documents, did not write applications for the chervkov complex forms for biytsiv, but simply, buhav.

Dermatologist, who did not get the hang of the game, Russia,. Bilsh-mensh peacefully vin vizhiv senior sergeant Sergei Podyman, vizhivayuchi іншого військовослужбовця з роти, Rus, not letting yogo up to lіkіrіv із travmoyu kolіna (yaku vіyskovskoe sluzhivovetsі otrimav v robotі na tanku), as a result of something, the given fighters otrimav zalіzyaku, zmіistі kolіnogo suoglobu та ІІ групу інвалідності. Alle Zeislo from the hands of Ruslan.

1 herb 2016, perebuivaychi in Chaplintsi, Rus drink to belek і sredred nochі zabіg u namet z avtomatom, pogrozhuyuchi vsyіh roststrіlyati. Buvo zv'yaniyany, ale buhati ta davati palne not tying. І cе йomu зійшло г рук.

Пізніше, 25 травня, мені вдалося його освідчити і оформити документи на адміністративнине стягнення. Ale Rus not having ceased to be a buchi.

About, absolutely, all the vipadki bulo was reported to the commander of the brigade, that's it, I did not rush off.

З безкарністю, Русь почав відчувати себя БОГОМ. Почав вимагати податі з солдаів. With ts'omu, prodovzhuvav zdavati palna.

In the fierce 2017r. , perebuivaychi in the zones of ATO, for the rubbish p'yannyim Ruslan, 5 raziv, especially when the commander of the 80th brigade. Vvechory picking, a zrantk bringing, without Zhodnoe rozsledіduvannya, expertise on alcohol habits that without pokranyonya.

In the chernic, I got to the road lists for the first serpent 2015 - leaf fall 2016 that vyaviv tupe write-off paliva. In the brigade all the arms, naveit brigade commander, not divying on illegally write off kіlkіst. Al the prosecutor's office tse zatsikavilo: -) Alle t here, yakas force blown up. Rusu інкримінували частину 1 статті 425 ККУ "Недбале ставлення до військової слуби", at the same time, the prosecutor's office has given the number of a hundred thousand liters of beer, especial period ".

Ale Russia was not rude to the ts'omu. Otrymavi vidznaku KVDV ta vizdznaku brigade commander, perebuvayuchi pid slіdstvom, Ruslan virishiv, scho all rob in vain and swelling on the day of the tankist (10. 09. 2017р. ), вирішив підірвати special warehouse. After poking the company, tightening the check for the grenade F1, so that we get pogrozhuvati.

Zavdyaki pіdgotovі at rozvіdіtі, one з vіys'kіvіh, вдалося покласти на land Rusya, with tsіmu, tіlom vіn lіg on hand with a grenade. Nastschastya, Russia did not grasp the grenade from the hands of the yogi, but it did not penetrate the rose without slander. Buli wiklikanіііпповідні organization, stored logs, зібрані свідчення. Alle t here, yakas macaqa namagajutsja vidmatasi uebana. Ajet yomu інкримінуть перевищення повноважень.

Yakshto kogos tiikavit, de take taku mazu, yak at Ruslan - zvertaytes to nyogo, especially:.

For the repost - graciousness dyakuyu! !! !!.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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