Trump: US ready to solve North Korean problem by military means

11 August 2017, 22:41 | Policy
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President of the United States Donald Trump announced his readiness to resolve the North Korean problem by military means, if Pyongyang would act unreasonably.

In particular, this is what the US president wrote on Twitter.

"Military solutions are now fully ready for use, in case North Korea acts unreasonably. I hope Kim Jong-un chooses another way! ", He wrote.

Military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 11, 2017 July 28, North Korea launched another missile that fell in the territorial waters of Japan. The next day, the DPRK conducted another launch of the intercontinental Hwaseong-14 missile.

In response, the UN Security Council unanimously voted in favor of the draft resolution on tightening sanctions against Pyongyang.

The North Korean authorities called the Security Council's strengthening of sanctions "a terrorist act" and threatened the UN with "physical actions" in return.

US President Donald Trump warned North Korea that Washington would respond to new threats with "fire and fury".

In turn, the DPRK announced the possibility of launching missile strikes in the area of ??Guam, on which the US military base is located.

Source: HB.

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