The head of Ukravtodor told about his salary

11 August 2017, 22:18 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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Thus - the salary of the head of the State Agency "Ukrautodor" - Slavomira Novak - at the moment is equal to 13 thousand hryvnia. Novak recently reported this via Facebook.

According to his report - in 2017 the Cabinet determined for him a salary of 13 thousand. Hryvnia, and provided a bonus. The head of Ukravtodor also added that his salary is approximately 100 thousand hryvnia - after deducting all taxes. However, it is also interesting that despite such a fuss about salary information, media representatives have never officially applied to Ukravtodor to get accurate data there, Novak stressed..

As reported URA-Inform, the military in the ATU zone will increase salaries.

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