Austria will allocate 1 million euros for the demining of Donbass

07 June 2017, 15:21 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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The corresponding statement he wrote in his microblog on Twitter.

According to Kurtz, he is extremely pleased with the decision in the Council of Ministers to provide a total of 1 million euros for the de-mining of the ICRC in eastern Ukraine.

The Austrian Foreign Minister also stressed that half of the amount will be allocated from the External Disaster Risk Fund and the Austrian Development Agency.

"A good start of the minister's visit," commented Ukrainian Ambassador to Vienna Alexander Shcherba on Twitter.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform", the European Union plans to provide additional 50 million euros to restore the infrastructure of the cities of Donbass. With such a statement, European Commissioner Johannes Khan made a speech during his visit to Mariupol.

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