Rada ratified agreement with Montenegro on cooperation

07 June 2017, 14:54 | Policy
photo УРА-Информ
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The document was supported by 230 people's deputies. The agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of Montenegro on cooperation in the field of education and science was signed on December 9, 2011 in Podgorica.

Its purpose was to implement the domestic procedures necessary for the entry into force of the agreement. It is expected that the entry into force of this agreement will contribute to deepening international cooperation between Ukraine and Montenegro, improving its regulatory and legal framework.

Thus, it is planned that the implementation of this agreement will promote the expansion of direct ties between higher education institutions of both states, the development of various forms of mutually beneficial cooperation between higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Ukraine and Montenegro, the study and teaching of the Ukrainian language in Montenegro and Montenegrin in Ukraine, the participation of scientists from both countries in conferences, seminars, round tables and the like.

The implementation of the provisions of the above-mentioned agreement does not provide for additional funding from the state budget, since student exchanges are carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet "On the training of foreign citizens in Ukraine".

Thus, funding will be provided at the expense of the state budget within the budget assignments stipulated by the budget program "Training of higher education institutions of III and IV levels of accreditation and maintenance of their practice bases".

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, Montenegro imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation for aggression against Ukraine.

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