At the Faculty of Educational Studies for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute" has posted a draft of the Vyskovsk Service License, which have successfully completed the course of the preparation of the written request for the kvalіfіkacії. The protagonist of the three-and-a-half-year-old serviceman of the Starishinsky warehouse, of whom there were some members of the party in the anti-terrorist operation, were passing through a special Navcha, behind the pits of which I recalled the name "young lieutenant".
- For an hour навчання слухачі суттєво підняли свій професійний рівень. Novі znannya ya nаvchki імім ім ефективно виконувати завърня на офіцерських посадах, - having designated the chief of the faculty colonel Oleksandr Serpuhov. Pіd hour tseremіnі vіpusku vіys'kovosluzhbіtsі otrimali chases of the "young lieutenant", svіdotsstva about the preparation of the course, the preparation of the assignment, the writing of kvalіfіkії, and відмінники навчання - також писмиі подяки від команвання.