In Kiev, an ambulance rammed a car: five injured

11 January 2018, 09:07 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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On the Moscow avenue Glushkov ambulance rammed a passing car. As a result of the accident, 5 people were injured, according to Facebook dtp. kiev. ua.

"Road accident in Kiev at Glushkov: 5 victims. The ambulance one of the private firms, carrying the child, rammed the passing Chevrolet, who decided to turn slyly in the hole of the bumper, "it was informed..

Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, an ambulance rammed a car: five injured As a result of the accident, all 5 people of the ambulance crew were injured. And the child was transplanted to another car.

It is noted that the blow fell on the port side of the car.

Recall that in Zaporozhye in a traffic accident involving the car "ambulance" suffered three people.

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