Klitschko intends to build in the capital an amusement park on the Venetian island

28 December 2017, 15:07 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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The mayor of the city Vitali Klichko has already signed a relevant decree on the development of the concept of the development of such a park. As reported on Thursday, December 28, the press service of the Kyiv City State Administration, the development of the park development concept and its implementation will meet the needs of Kyiv citizens and guests in entertainment, leisure and active recreation.

At the same time, the client of the concept development defined the municipal enterprise "Kyiv Center for Urban Environment Development", which in due course should provide the general design organization for the execution of works.

At the same time, the KCSA is sure that the creation of such a zone of entertainment and leisure will also contribute to the physical development of the personality, to support the mass recreation of children and youth and to promote a healthy lifestyle. As reported by URA-Inform, Vitali Klichko noted that the new roads comply with European standards, whose construction will continue in 2018.

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