In Kiev, a robber with a knife attacked a seller in a store

28 December 2017, 09:14 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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As a result of the incident, the woman suffered numerous injuries. Ambulance took her to the hospital. According to eyewitnesses, the incident occurred on Mukachevskaya Street in one of the shops at about seven o'clock in the evening.

According to preliminary information, a man of about 45 years, broke into a shop with a knife and attacked a saleswoman. He inflicted on her a large number of strikes, took away the money and disappeared.

At the same time, the woman defended herself against the attacker, but she could not resist. She was urgently hospitalized with numerous injuries to the hospital.

At the scene of the incident, the investigative-operational group and criminalists.

Recall, as reported URA-Infoorm, four unknown in balaclava and with rifles in hands on Monday, December 4, committed a robbery attack on one of their jewelry store in Mykolayiv. Attackers disappeared in an unknown direction and five patrol police crews could not catch up with their car. As reported by the police communications department of the Mykolayiv region, the attack on the store occurred about two o'clock in the afternoon in the Central Market area.

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