In Kiev, they examine the bridge after a collision with a barge

15 December 2017, 21:39 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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The authorities in Kiev officially confirmed the incident with the cargo barge, which crashed into the pedestrian pedestrian bridge across the Dnieper. Experts conduct a detailed survey at the site of the incident, according to the website of the Kyiv City State Administration. "At the support on December 13, there was an incident with a cargo ship ...

Balansoderzhatel KP construction Kievavtodormost together with the Research and Production Enterprise Bridge Center after the incident conducted a preliminary study of the Park Pedestrian Bridge. The destruction of the structure was not detected, "the message says.. At present, specialists conduct a detailed study. They must submit their findings within two weeks. As reported, on December 13, a barge loaded with sand crashed into a stone mound around the support of the Park foot bridge in Kiev. According to preliminary data, it was a barge SOBI. Some eyewitnesses claimed that the crew was drunk.

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