Part of the Great District will be completed by the end of 2018

15 December 2017, 20:53 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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It is known that the city authorities intend to do it before the end of 2018. complete the construction of part of the Great Circuit Route - on the section from Prospect. Marshal Rokossovsky to ul. Bogatyrskaya. This was recently told by the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko - in the process of construction inspection.

Such data is available on the website of the Kyiv City State Administration (KSCA). In particular, the Mayor of Klitschko noted that city residents feel how difficult the transport situation in Kiev is. But the authorities are doing a lot to ensure that the transport connection in Kiev complies with European standards - added Klitschko.

As reported URA-Inform, the Okruzhnaya road car crashed into the wagon.

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