In the capital, there are fewer stray dogs - KSCA

15 December 2017, 20:36 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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Such data was disseminated by the press service of KSCA. According to these data - following the results of recent studies of specialists - since June 2016. the number of pets in the capital was more than 400 000 animals. The population of stray dogs in the selected sectors was approximately 2 600.

If we compare this data with 2011. - then the number of stray dogs was 30 000, which indicates the success of the implementation of the Control Program for the content of domestic animals and the regulation of the number of stray dogs. The number in the capital is being rehabilitated by humane methods. As a result, a serious decrease in the population of stray animals in the city was noted - the KSCA.

As reported by URA-Inform, in 2016. in Odessa, investigating the killing of dogs.

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