At the opening of the main Christmas tree in Kiev will install metal detectors

15 December 2017, 15:04 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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For example, on the Sofia Square will install metal detectors. This information was disseminated by the press service of the KSCA.

So, security measures assume the passage of citizens through the scope of metal detectors - specified in the message. It is also known that on December 19 at 7:00 pm in the ceremony of lighting the lights on the New Year tree in Ukraine and the opening of the Christmas celebrations, the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klichko. And the citizens of Kyiv and guests of the city are promised an entertainment program of a large-scale art project "NeoGod on Sofia".

As reported URA-Inform, the main tree of the country will be decorated with 3.6 kilometers of garlands.

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