The city communal workers cleared the swastika from the Hanukkah lamp

15 December 2017, 14:08 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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This lamp for the Hanukkah holiday was installed in the capital Podol. At the same time, communal services soon cleared the monument. Such data was disseminated in the press service of KSCA.

As it became known - the other day the vandals depicted on the Hanukkah lamp, which was installed on Hanukkah on Podol, the swastika. City public utilities cleaned this monument. However, an appeal has been received to law enforcement agencies so that they understand the situation, as well as to bring to justice those who committed this act of vandalism - said the mayor of the city Vitali Klitschko.

As reported URA-Inform, the vandal in the Mykolayiv region outraged over 19 graves.

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