In Kiev, Caucasians beat a guy for the remark not to ride on the sidewalks

15 December 2017, 13:10 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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In Kiev, people of Caucasian nationality on Thursday, December 14, severely beat a guy who made a remark for riding on the sidewalk. This is reported by the portal dtp. kiev. ua.

The incident occurred on Vozdukhoflotsky Avenue, 23, around 20:45.

"The guy was dragged on the hood and beaten. He miraculously survived. Mercedes E-class 2013+ black. Numbers AA5533RR ", the message says..

Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, Caucasians beat a guy for not commenting on sidewalks Recall that in Kiev near the metro Lukyanovskaya indignant passers-by beat a BMW driver who unsuccessfully parked and blocked the traffic of public transport.

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