In Kiev, blocked the entrance to the store manure

15 December 2017, 12:25 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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On the Big Zhitomir in the center of Kiev on the night of Friday, December 15, unknown people blocked the entrance to the boutique Garde manure. This is reported without a taboo.

According to the media, fertilizers were scattered in a dense layer, leaving a pass for pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Apparently, the manure was brought to the place in sacks, which were then piled up in a heap.

Also on the wall of the building, unknown people wrote that the hands of the owner of the boutique "in the blood", and his place behind bars.

Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, blocked the entrance to the store with manure Recall that earlier in Kiev, concreting the entrance to the office of the Savings Bank.

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