In Kiev there was a double accident involving the tow truck

15 December 2017, 10:48 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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In Kiev on Vatutin Avenue there was a double road accident, as a result of which two people were injured. This is reported on Friday, December 15, by dtp. kiev. ua.

Immediately faced BMW and Renault. The police came and started to make out an accident.

Then in a tow truck at full speed sideways crashed Mercedes. Fragments of cars scattered for tens of meters.

As a result, injuries were received by 2 people - Mercedes passengers, medical assistance was rendered on the spot.

Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, there was a double accident with the participation of the evacuator. Recall that on the road Slavyansk-Mariupol near the village of Stritenka Volnovakhsky district there was an accident that killed two people.

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