In Kiev, a historic house lit up

10 December 2017, 15:32 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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The fire occurred around 9:15 am, the fire itself spread throughout the building for 15 minutes and by half past nine in the morning the first floor of the building was completely engulfed by fire. On the scene came three units of fire equipment and a team of 15 rescuers and firefighters. The cause of the fire was a lot of garbage that caught fire on the second floor, but additional circumstances of the incident are being installed.

There is no information about the victims. No one lived in the architectural memorial, the building has been in a state of emergency for a long time.

The cost of damage to the historic building that was erected at the beginning of the twentieth century is also not called.

As reported in URA-Inform, recently in one of the administrative buildings that is located on the street Glybochitskaya 33/37 in the Shevchenko district of the capital, there was a fire.

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