In the capital because of the icy conditions, city transport runs late, - KSCA

29 November 2017, 12:00 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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This situation is due to the icy conditions. It was informed in the message published on the Facebook page of the Kyiv city state administration that all routes were now entered operational position number 3 - cruising without the timetable.

Responsible services of the city operate on the site, the message says..

However, according to Google Maps in the morning in the city because of the icy conditions on the roads, traffic is difficult.

In particular, traffic jams were formed on Prospekt Pobedy, Bolshoy Koltsevoi, Naberezhno-Rybalskaya, Friendship of Peoples Boulevard, Institutskaya Street and Melnikova Street.

It is also difficult to drive on the Moscow, Darnitskiy bridges and on the Patona Bridge.

In addition, it is difficult to move to the entrances to Kiev.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in Kiev today, weather forecasters promise a small rain with sleet, places ice, on the roads ice. The air temperature during the day will be about 0 degrees.

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